New York Apply Emission Policy for Building

WorldMozaic - New York Apply Emission Policy for Building.

New York unveiled an initiative that will order thousands of buildings across the city more efficiently in using energy in its latest steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Plans submitted on Thursday (14/09/2017) local time will require owners of about 14,500 buildings with a land area of ​​over 2,300 square meters to modernize boilers, water heaters, roofs and windows.

If they are not implementing it, they are facing annual fines corresponding to the breach rate and the size of the building according to the mayor's office statement.

A 157,935-square-foot skyscraper like the Chrysler Building has the potential to face a fine of around US$ 2 million, if its energy usage goes far beyond the efficiency targets.

Under the new regulation, building owners must meet the standards by 2030 at the latest.

"We have to make our buildings not dependent on the use of fossil fuels," said Mayor Bill de Blasio, adding that the initiative was an attempt to 'honor the goals of the Paris Agreement'.

A total of 14,500 buildings in the worst category in energy efficiency accounted for 24 percent of city greenhouse gas emissions, according to the mayor's office quoted by the AFP news agency.

While the consumption of fossil fuels via boilers and water heaters is a major cause of greenhouse gas emissions within the city, it is responsible for 42 percent of the total.

In October 2012, Hurricane Sandy hit New York. Afterwards the city implemented efforts to tackle climate change, which continues despite US President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw support for the Paris Climate Agreement.

The newly targeted policies reduce emissions by seven percent by 2035 and create 17,000 jobs in building repairs.