5 Tips to Avoid Lower Back Pain Problem

WorldMozaic - 5 Tips to Avoid Lower Back Pain Problem

Lower back pain can occur to anyone. There are various reason that cause it. It can due to wrong body posture, lack of water, fatigue, and others.

There are acute back pain and chronic back pain. Acute back pain will normally heal after few days or weeks. Chronic back pain can lasts for months.

It is always better to avoid than to cure it. Here are some tips to prevent lower back pain problems:

1. Avoid sitting idle for too long. If you are working in a chair for a long duration, take a break every hour to stand up, walk around and stretch. You also need to make sure your sitting position is correct.

2. While sleeping, it is recommended to lay on your right side. Not only this will reduce the pressure on the spine, but at the same time it also reduce the pressure to the heart.

3. Avoid heavy lifting while bending your back. The position of the back must remains straight as much as possible. Use your foot as power not the spine. You also need to avoid turning the body when lifting heavy objects.

4. Consume enough nutritional food that is useful for bones and muscles, and try to reduce your weight. Nutrients that need to be fulfilled include calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D.

5. Stop smoking. Smoking can reduce blood flow to the lower spine. In addition, the spine disc will degenerate much faster if you inhale nicotine.

6. Regular physical exercise can reduce complaints of back pain. The more the body is active, the more the low back pain can be avoided. Make sure you do not overdue it. Daily walking is good for your back.